Catri Barrett - Being Ready To Do The Work

Season 1: Episode 2

In this episode Catri Barrett and I discuss how we hold ourselves back from living more of a life. We discuss whether coaching is the right approach and what to do if this isn't affordable or right for you.

Catri Barrett is a life and business coach, founder of The Curiosity Club podcast and a qualified yoga teacher. Catri helps mostly but not exclusively women become more curious and courageous in all that they do.

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We talk about self-awareness and self-development in a world where it is becoming more accepted but where there are still stigmas attached to receiving help, or feeling like it is needed.

I've been hugely fortunate to benefit from Catri's podcast, The Curiosity Club, and it came at just the right time. Do check it out if you feel that it would be helpful for you, or maybe someone you know. To find out more about her coaching or to get in touch, visit She is also contactable via Instagram @catribarrett.

P.S. It is worth noting that it is likely you know someone who needs to hear this. Even if it is not for you, pass it on. You already know who that person is and it could be the first positive step.