WORK LIKE A WOMAN by Mary Portas

Like it or not, we still live in very much a man’s world. As someone who was nervous of the ‘feminist’ term, I hadn’t realised the extent to which we just accept the world around us. Why is that women feel they have to work like men in order to succeed in business? Women naturally have an element of compassion, but the workplace often forces us to ‘toughen up’ and act in a way that doesn’t feel natural to us. With current advocates of what ‘being a leader’ really means such as Simon Sinek, ‘Millennials’ are starting to feel support on what feels right to them. It is likely that we will only see such change in the workplace when women found the next generation of businesses. In this book Mary Portas brings years of experience and evidence from a world which although looked different on the surface was not so different from today’s apparently more equal workplaces. We’ve made progress for women in the workplace, but nowhere near enough. My belief is because of lack of awareness. Men don’t realise what they are learning from their fathers, grandfathers and colleagues is damaging to businesses and their female colleagues, and women don’t realise that there could be another way. If you have no idea what I mean, then you probably should read this book.

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